showing 1 game

namepublisher(developer) arrow_downwardyeartagsdescription
Killzone Sony Computer Entertainment (Guerilla Games)2004 2350s 24thcentury aimmode alphacentauri assaultrifles controlconfig difficulty extraterrestrial firstpersonshooter fofindicator friendlyfire grenadecooking grenades handguns healthregen invasion killzone-series ladders lefthanded limitedcapacity playerprofiles playerstats precisionrifles rating-esrb-m rating-pegi-16 recoil reload-auto reload-manual shotguns spacefaringage stamina voicechat war widescreen zoom In an era of planetary colonization, a ruthless separatist faction has launched a surprise attack on the ISA. Arm yourself against the Helghast, and become immersed in a powerful storyline wrapped around an all out action, first person shooter experience. With intense firefights and breathtaking graphics, Killzone delivers the grit and reality of a massive post-modern war.

* Online gameplay via the Network Adaptor.
* Voice-chat capabilities via the USB Headset.
* Killzone is based on classic military altercations found in the history of warfare; players will battle through trenches, endure city sieges, sweat through jungles and battle guerilla combatants.